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martedì 9 aprile 2013

Pasta, prezzemolo e limone - Paste cu patrunjel si lamiie - Parsley and lemon pasta WHB#379

Ingrediente :

200 gr pasta (corta)
una manciata do prezzemolo fresco tritato
succo di 1 limone grande
2 cucchiai olio extravergine di oliva
sale, pepe (facoltativo)
pecorino romano grattugiato

Mettete a bollire la pasta in acqua salata;
Frattempo lavate e tagliate con la mezzaluna il prezzemolo e mescolate in una ciotola il succo del limone con l'olio (con la forchetta). Aggiungete il prezzemolo e mescolate con la pasta cotta al dente e scolata.
Aggiungete del pecorino romano grattugiato e volendo anche pepe macinato fresco.

in romana

ingrediente :

200 gr paste ( eu am folosit scurte dar merg foarte bine si spaghete)
1 legatura de patrunjel proaspat
sucul de la o lamiie mare
2 linguri de ulei de masline extravirgin
sale, piper ( optional)
Pecorino romano ras

Fierbem pastele al dente sin apa sarata si le scurgem cind sunt gata.
Tocam patrunjelul foarte fin si amestecam intr-un castron cu  zeama de lamiie si uleiul batute cu o furculita. Varsam peste pastele scurse amestecul acesta si adaugam coaja rasa de la lamiie, piper daca va place si pecorino ras .


Ingredients :
200 gr pasta (I used short pasta but it is ok also with spaghetti)
fresh parsley
juice from 1 big lemon and lemon zest
2 tablespoon extravergine olive oil
salt, pepper (optional)
pecorino romano grated

Boil pasta in salted water until al dente .
Drain the pasta and add  the parsley (wash and cut), mix lemon juice and olive oil and lemon zest. Add salt and optional ground pepper, grated Pecorino romano


 Each week a different blogger put together the recipes, post, submissions and it's been a great pleasure for me to host this edition (8-14 april) of Weekend Herb Blogging . Weekend Herb Blogging it's a blog event founded by Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen and managed by Haalo of Cook (almost) Anything.
The rules :
1. The posts must be written during that week specifically for Weekend Herb Blogging.
2. Only two types of entries will be accepted:
a) Recipe posts where an herb or unusual plant ingredient is one of the primary ingredients in the recipe, or b) Informative posts that spotlight one herb or unusual plant ingredient, particularly including information about how it is used in cooking.
3. Entries must contain the words Weekend Herb Blogging (WHB) with a link to this week host, a link to Haalo from Cook almost anything , Kalyn from Kalyn's Kitchen
4. Entries can be written any time during the week but email your post by:
• 3pm Sunday April 14- Utah Time
• 9pm Sunday April 14- London Time
• 10pm Sunday  April 14 - Rome Time
• 8am Monday April 15- Melbourne (Aus) Time
5. When your post is blogged, please email me at with WHB#379 in the subject line including the following details:
•Your Name
•Your Blog Name/URL
•Your Post URL
•Your Location
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