patate, carote, piselli, uova sode, filetti di pesce lesso o tonno al naturale, mela verde, olive, cetrioli sotto aceto o in salamoia, peperoni in agrodolce, senape, maionese, sale q.b., succo di limone
Far bollire le patate con le carote. Separatamente lessate i piselli e il pesce. Preparate le uova sode. Tagliuzziamo tutto ( patate, carote, il peste, le olive, le uova sode, i peperoni sotto aceto) in piccoli dadini. Incorporiamo tutto con la maionese, senape, sale e succo di limone. Aggiungiamo i cetrioli grattugiati e schiacciati per eliminare la l'acqua/ la salamoia o l'aceto e la mela verde grattugiata fresca che li da un sapore unico.
in romana
cartofi, morcovi, mazare, oua fierte, peste fiert ( curatat de oase ) sau ton in sos natural, mar verde, masline, castraveti murati in otet sau saramura, gogosari sau ardei murati, mustar, maioneza, sare, suc de lamiie
Se fierb cartofii cu morcovii, mazarea separat si pestele tot separat pentru ca au timpi diversi de fierbere. Se taie totul cubulete mici. Amestecam totul cu maioneza si mustarul, sare si zeama de lamiie si adaugam marul proaspat ii da o aroma unica si castravetii rsi pe razatoarea mica si storsi bine ca sa elimine zeama.
potatoes,carrots,peas, eggs,fish boiled, green apple,olives, cucumbers in vinegar or brine,pickled peppers,mustard, mayonnaise, salt, lemon juice
Boil vegetables and fish.
Cube the vegetables, pickles, olives and fish.
Place all in a bowl. Prepare the mayo with the hard boiled yolks, oil and mustard. Add 3/4 of the mayo to the mixture. Add grated apples, another mustard, salt, lemon juice, and grated pickled cucumber.
Cover the salad with the rest of mayo and garnish with a few olives, hard boiled egg white, egg slices, pickled red peppers, cucumbers in brine or vinegar, parsley.
Try to shape some designs.
Boil vegetables and fish.
Cube the vegetables, pickles, olives and fish.
Place all in a bowl. Prepare the mayo with the hard boiled yolks, oil and mustard. Add 3/4 of the mayo to the mixture. Add grated apples, another mustard, salt, lemon juice, and grated pickled cucumber.
Cover the salad with the rest of mayo and garnish with a few olives, hard boiled egg white, egg slices, pickled red peppers, cucumbers in brine or vinegar, parsley.
Try to shape some designs.